Today I have released a minor upgrade of the website.
New Addon Index Views
Yesterday, PhantomTa2 requested improvements for the addon index view. Recently we shrunk the thumbnails in order to show more addons at the screen which had the side effect of almost all titles being abbreviated. So I opened the code editor and wrote 2 new views: List and Details. As I liked the List view a lot, I decided to make it the default.

Kodi Addons List View

Kodi Addons Details View

Kodi Addons Thumbnails View
Improved Bundles
While the first case of an “dependencies not met” issues with V7 is being investigated, I took some time to finaly write a (almost) full front-end for the bundles.

Improved Addon Bundle editor
This means you are now -finally- able to
- rename a bundle
- give it a version number
- add a description
- manage labels/tags
- set the access mode
There are still some bits a pieces that have to improved, but as those will benefit from the already made changes, I advice you to update your Addon Bundles!
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