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attac tv

ATTAC TV. Another TV is possible

ATTAC is an international organization involved in the alter-globalization movement. They oppose neo-liberal globalization and develop social, ecological, and democratic alternatives so as to guarantee fundamental rights for all. Specifically, they fight for the regulation of financial markets, the closure of tax havens, the introduction of global taxes to finance global public goods, the cancellation of the debt of developing countries, fair trade, and the implementation of limits to free trade and capital flows.
This plugin allows to watch the videos and documentals provided by the ATTAC TV site.

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How to install attac tv?

attac tv is available in the official Kodi repository which is included by default in Kodi. You can install this addon by going in Kodi to System >> Settings >> Addons >> Get Addons >> XBMC.org Addons or Kodi.tv Addons

About SuperRepo and attac tv

SuperRepo does not maintain attac tv. We only provide an automated index for Kodi users to have easy access to attac tv and other addons for Kodi. We are not affiliated with the developers (Jose Antonio Montes (jamontes)) and do not provide help for this particular addon.

Rendered at Tuesday 4th of March 2025 04:44:11 AM