Logo of GamestarVideo


Downloads/view videos from gamestar.de and gamepro.de

This plugin gives access to the Videos from gamestar.de and gamepro.de. If there are problems while playing the videos (stoping - caching - playing) this plugin offer some caching options: Don't Chache - don't cache at all. Cache if Needed - if you start a video who isn't cached, it will be cached and then be played. Cache - all files of the given category will be cached. Forced caching - all files of the given category will be cached plus, if some file isn't cached it will be downloaded before playing. The last two modes need a background-skript setuped by Taskmanager or (ana)cron. The script is locatet in the addon-dir: fetchOfflineData.py linktotheconfig.xml BandwithLimit(in kbs)

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How to install GamestarVideo?

GamestarVideo is available in the official Kodi repository which is included by default in Kodi. You can install this addon by going in Kodi to System >> Settings >> Addons >> Get Addons >> XBMC.org Addons or Kodi.tv Addons

About SuperRepo and GamestarVideo

SuperRepo does not maintain GamestarVideo. We only provide an automated index for Kodi users to have easy access to GamestarVideo and other addons for Kodi. We are not affiliated with the developers (Raptor 2101) and do not provide help for this particular addon.

Rendered at Sunday 9th of February 2025 01:51:24 AM