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MythBox pour XBMC

MythBox est un frontal MythTV pour XBMC - Regarder les enregistrements avec saut de la publicité - Regarder la tv en direct - Créer et éditer des planifications d'enregistrements - Fanart à partir de tvdb, tvrage, tmdb, imdb, et google - Guide de programme amélioré - Afficher les enregistrements à venir - Statut du syntoniseur et des travaux - Support de MythTV 0.24

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How to install MythBox?

MythBox is available in the official Kodi repository which is included by default in Kodi. You can install this addon by going in Kodi to System >> Settings >> Addons >> Get Addons >> XBMC.org Addons or Kodi.tv Addons

About SuperRepo and MythBox

SuperRepo does not maintain MythBox. We only provide an automated index for Kodi users to have easy access to MythBox and other addons for Kodi. We are not affiliated with the developers (Semir Patel) and do not provide help for this particular addon.

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