New Kodi released: Kodi 15.0 Isengard

Team Kodi has released Kodi 15.0 Isengard, the successor of Kodi Helix. Many new features cover requests both more than 5 years old and less than 5 months old. We gonna have a look at a few. But first……our main concern. Do addons still work?

General: So far in 15.0 there are no add-on changes that would impact any add-ons except for PVR. Since the 12.x Frodo release there have been some gradual changes but in general all add-ons, even from that time should still work, of course there are some exceptions. If the add-ons worked in Gotham and in Helix then we are happy to say that all these add-ons should still work.

Skins: As of this moment, all skins that worked in 14.x Helix should still work in 15.0 Isengard. In the PVR sections there are certain changes that might be noticeable and need specific skin changes. These changes are minimal and shouldn’t cause any major problems in usability. There still might be some options still missing which you relied upon first. We’re sure that most skin creators will be updating the skins in due time. Before that happens you should be able to enjoy this beta build without any problems.

Important to remember is that some addon developers may need some time to make their addons officially compatible with Isengard. Just be patient.

How to upgrade your SuperRepo from Kodi Helix to Kodi Isengard

ps. This will also upgrade your version of SuperRepo if you did not do so already. Read more about the improvements in SuperRepo v7 “Picture Perfect”

The changes in Kodi 15 Isengard

Perhaps the biggest news for Kodi 15 isn’t a feature at all, but rather the official release of Kodi for Android in the Google Play store. As of the time of this writing, there are just over 400,000 active installs from Google Play after having been released a mere 36 days ago. You can install Kodi for Android from the download link below.

Get it on Google Play



Kodi 15.0 Features

Across platforms, Kodi itself has gained quite a lot of features. Some notable examples include:

• A new chapter selector window – Allows you to visually browse and select chapters from mkvs and other containers that support chapters.

• Adaptive seeking (aka Skip Steps) – The more times you press a button to seek in a period of time, the larger the jump forward or backward will be.

• Audio and Subtitle Lists – For content that includes multiple audio and subtitle choices, you can select from a full list of choices, rather than manually searching through a spinner.


• Language Add-ons and Expanded International Preferences – Now language translations aren’t dependent upon release, but get regularly updated to all users as the add-ons themselves update. Additionally, you now have total control over date, time, temperature and more displayed formats.


• Improved Add-on Manager – The add-on manager has now been reworked to help make finding the add-ons you are looking for easier. As SuperRepo uses the native addon store of Kodi to provide addons, it greatly benefits from the improvements.



Changes from 14.2 to 15.0 include:

  • • Minimal 10.7 Lion 64-bit required on Mac OSX
  • • Minimal iOS 5.1 required and ATV2 support discontinued
  • • Minimum Android 4.2 Jelly Bean MR1 required on Android
  • • Ubuntu 12.04 support dropped in PPA
  • • On Android the system now handles the volume instead of Kodi
  • • Removed the need for root/SU on Android. Some hardware/firmware might not like that. Please contact your hardware supplier
  • • Removal of Tuxbox support. Users of Enigma2 boxes can use the VUPlus PVR add-on
  • • Removal of AFP filesystem support
  • • Remove legacy code pre-Frodo 11.0
  • • Vast amount of possible memory leaks, segfaults, crashes and minor issues have been fixed
  • • General improvements regarding code stability and performance in all areas
  • • General code clean-up in all areas to simplify adding future features
  • The entire release notes of Kodi Isengard can be found at the official Kodi website.

That’s it for now. Let’s enjoy Kodi Isengard!

If you have any issues with SuperRepo and Isengard, please let us know or find help yourself

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